This blog has seen more active days.
I suppose that-- as its subtitle indicates-- it is a chronicle of a learning experience.
As a teacher I have learned that time and sleep are more precious than I ever realized as a full-time Soldier. There you have excuse for skipping weeks.

When I began this blog as a regular cathartic exercise for venting my frustrations with the Army, I was pretty faithfully posting once weekly. After the deployment I proudly professed, "The Blog Will Go On!"
My fidelity to that promise has waned, but I am getting back on track.
In order to atone for my dereliction, I am offering:
Look for exciting expositions on topics that you've come to expect from your humble Loyal Cynic, such as yesterday's (which is
not included in the five-- it's like a bonus).
Read on.
I am looking forward to the posts